
  1. Xamarin.ios Build Host Download With Visual Studio For Mac Download
  2. Xamarin.ios Build Host Download With Visual Studio For Mac Os
  3. Xamarin.ios Build Host Download With Visual Studio For Mac Windows 10
  4. Xamarin.ios Build Host Download With Visual Studio For Mac Osx

Second step is to build the solution on Visual Studio. I built from VS 15.2 (2017). To create a NuGet package: build the solution in Release mode and then, at project's directory, execute: NuGet pack Xamarin.iOS.CameraViewController.csproj -Prop Configuration=Release.

  • Visual Studio 2019 16.3 or later, with:

    • Universal Windows Platform workload installed.
    • Mobile development with .NET (Xamarin) workload installed.
      • the iOS Remote Simulator installed (for iOS development)
      • A working Mac with Visual Studio for Mac, XCode 8.2 or later installed (for iOS development)
      • Google's Android x86 emulators or a physical Android device (for Android development)
    • ASP.NET and web workload installed, along with .NET Core 2.2 (for WASM development)

To connect Visual Studio to your Mac build host, follow the instructions in the Pair to Mac guide. Visual Studio Toolbar Overview. Xamarin iOS for Visual Studio adds items to the Standard toolbar and to the new iOS toolbar. The functions of these toolbars are explained below. Standard Toolbar. The controls relevant to Xamarin iOS development. I am a new user to xamarin. I installed Xamarin.IOS on visual studio. When i create a new project and want to build it, vs says that you should select a 'mac build host'. Is it necessary for building ios application? May I do that in a simulator? Because I don't have a Mac machine. Thank you very much. This video demonstrates how to set up the Xamarin build host with Visual Studio. This video demonstrates how to set up the Xamarin build host with Visual Studio.

Xamarin.ios Build Host Download With Visual Studio For Mac Download

For more information about these prerequisites, see Installing Xamarin. For information about connecting Visual Studio to a Mac build host, see Pair to Mac for Xamarin.iOS development.

Installing the Uno Platform Solution Templates with Visual Studio

  1. Launch Visual Studio, then click Continue without code. Click Extensions -> Manage Extensions from the Menu Bar.

  2. In the Extension Manager expand the Online node and search for Uno Platform Templates, install the Uno Platform Solution Templates extension or download it from the Visual Studio Marketplace extension, then restart Visual Studio.

Create an application from the solution template


To easily create a multi-platform application:

  • Create a new C# solution using the Cross-Platform App (Uno Platform) template, from Visual Studio's Start Page:
  • Update to the latest NuGet package named Uno.UI. To get the very latest features, check the pre-release box.
  • To debug the iOS head, select the Debug|iPhoneSimulator configuration
  • To debug the Android head, select the Debug|AnyCPU configuration
  • To debug the UWP head, select the Debug|x86 configuration
  • To run the WebAssembly (Wasm) head, select IIS Express and press Ctrl+F5 or choose 'Start without debugging' from the menu. Note that F5 will not work because Visual Studio debugging isn't supported. See here for debugging instructions through Chrome.

Make sure XAML Intellisense is enabled

Intellisense is supported in XAML when the UWP head is active:

If XAML Intellisense isn't working on a freshly-created project, try the following steps:

  1. Build the UWP head.
  2. Close all XAML documents.
  3. Close and reopen Visual Studio.
  4. Reopen XAML documents.

Video Tutorial

I’m a .NET developer and want to write an IOS & Android app in C#. I’ve had a read around Xamarin for Visual Studio which looks interesting if not a tad expensive!

Xamarin.ios Build Host Download With Visual Studio For Mac Os

Do you need a Mac to debug your code? Do you just need a networked Mac to actually deploy the app to the Store?

Xamarin.ios Build Host Download With Visual Studio For Mac

Is the best option just to buy a Mac and run Windows with VS in a VM or can I just use my windows machine, write & debug the code in Windows then just hook up to a networked Mac for final deployment?


Yes, you must have a Mac to do Xamarin.iOS development. The Mac is required for building as well as running the iOS simulator. You can either use it as a build server, and actually do your development in Visual Studio (either in a standalone PC, or on a VM running on your Mac), or you can do your development directly on the Mac using Xamarin Studio as your IDE.


You can use Xamarin Studio instead of Visual Studio and build iOS application by C#.
First install VMware Workstation and then download OS X image and run it by VMware.

Then Install tools on it and enjoy.

Tools :

EDIT : The following links are out dated, You must install Mac OS 10.10 in order to be able to install XCode 6.

iOS Tools that you need:

1) Mac OS X image for Windows
Note: Max OS X Installation Help:

2) Mono:

3) Xamarin Studio:

4) MonoTouch:

5) Xcode


From May 2017, you can develop app without MAC.

Microsoft Xamarin introduce a Live Player. With Live Player, iOS apps can be deployed directly onto an iPhone or other iDevice from a PC running Visual Studio, where the code can then be tested and debugged.

See this video:

this is Live Player Get start section: Live Player

Note: The final build and submission to the App Store will still require a Mac


An option is to use a remote service to do this.
For example:


Xamarin.ios Build Host Download With Visual Studio For Mac Windows 10

Anybody know that a Virtual-Machine is the solution! but when you want to have an OSX on windows it’s not really easy as you just talked about it.
it’s very important to find best OS ROM.

check it out here.
and you have to know that limitation is Apple’s doing, not Xamarin’s.

Xamarin.ios Build Host Download With Visual Studio For Mac Osx

Tags: ios, xamarin